Everyone looks forward to a good summer getaway, but few think about what to do if a dental emergency strikes while on the road or traveling. You’d hate to be in a position like having a dislodged tooth with no idea where you could get it reimplanted or developing a vicious toothache and not knowing where to get care. In the interest of keeping everyone’s vacation as fun as possible, here are some tips on how to be prepared for a dental crisis during your summer excursion.
Find a Dentist Ahead of Time
The first thing to do to cover your bases on vacation is to find available dentists at your destination ahead of time. Write down their addresses and phone numbers in a log and keep it in your bag or car. This way, if you knock out your tooth while hiking, you can get help faster because you already know where to go and you can call ahead.
You might even want to contact the location’s dentists ahead of time so you can arrange for your local provider to transmit documents if they are needed. Some insurance companies sell temporary dental policies for people traveling abroad.
Don’t Make a Mistake When It Comes to Toothache
Cracks in teeth or even the spaces between them can trap air inside them. Because air expands at higher elevations, many people suffer toothaches during air travel that go away when they get back on the ground. This could be prevented if you attend a dental appointment before leaving for your trip because your dentist could fix the problem then and there. If you experience this only to find that the toothache is still there after you get off the plane, try flossing your teeth and taking over-the-counter pain medication. If any toothache lasts more than a day, you need to see a dentist.
If Teeth Break on Summer Break
Broken or cracked teeth are dental emergencies that require immediate attention. Rinse out the mouth and treat swelling with a cold compress to the cheek before heading to the dentist for an urgent visit.
If a tooth gets completely knocked from its socket, you can save it by acting quickly. Locate the tooth and hold it by the crown when necessary while never touching the root. Rinse it in a bowl of lukewarm water. To transport it to the dentist, try holding it in the socket or cheek. Otherwise, you can transport it in a vial with a little saliva or in a cup of milk. There are products you can buy ahead of time that can keep a dislodged tooth fit for reimplantation for up to 24 hours. Otherwise, the likelihood of saving the tooth begins to fall after thirty minutes.
No one wants to nurse a toothache while trying to enjoy a vacation. Dental emergencies can do an excellent job of ruining a good time, but by knowing what to do, you can minimize the setback and get back to enjoying yourself sooner. With a little preparation, you can venture forth on your well-deserved vacation without fear!
About the Author
Dr. Omid Mehdipour has practiced dentistry for nearly 25 years. He completed his dental doctorate at the University of Colorado School of Dentistry before earning his Orthodontic Certificate at Howard University in Washington, DC. His practice provides services including preventative, pediatric, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. If you want to know more about how to prepare for potential dental mishaps during your vacation, contact him online or dial (714) 520-8888.